Title: The[real]Engaged (Chapter 8/?)
Starring: ScReW, the GazettE, Sugizo (soloist), Yoshiki (X-Japan)
Author: xellonich a.k.a Suzuki Sachino
Pairing: Byou x Ruki, Reita x Ruki, Manabu x Kai / Kai x Manabu (?), Reita x OFC, (?) x OFC
Rating: PG – 15
Genre: drama, romance, angst?
Warning: MxM, cursing
Disclaimer: I’m only owned the story; they belong to whatever Gods up! (_ _ )a
Music: 12012 – Mayakashi
the GazettE – Damashi (some people call it Mayakashi)
Starring: ScReW, the GazettE, Sugizo (soloist), Yoshiki (X-Japan)
Author: xellonich a.k.a Suzuki Sachino
Pairing: Byou x Ruki, Reita x Ruki, Manabu x Kai / Kai x Manabu (?), Reita x OFC, (?) x OFC
Rating: PG – 15
Genre: drama, romance, angst?
Warning: MxM, cursing
Disclaimer: I’m only owned the story; they belong to whatever Gods up! (_ _ )a
Music: 12012 – Mayakashi
the GazettE – Damashi (some people call it Mayakashi)